For those who have stumbled into credit problems due to not being able to pay for all unexpected bills 1 hour payday loans may be of great help, if used in the right way, of course. Just get cash in an hour. Apply for a loan with no credit check.  The good news is, that one-hour payday loans are available for those who are unable to obtain traditional financing, due to bad credit history. In other words, it is a perfect solution if you don’t have another source for a loan.


There are many loan agencies located around cities everywhere. Fortunately, today it is as easy as pie to go online and find a payday loan literally from the couch. But be fully aware of the fees you have to accept in order to obtain immediate cash in an hour. You basically need only to fill out an application and in a matter of minutes, you will be approved. Within one business day, you will have cash in hand, or transferred to your bank account if you take out a 1-hour payday loan online.


No need to wait weeks or even months to be approved by the bank and go through an application process as the majority of payday lenders such as Cash one doesn’t require a credit check. They offer an amount ranging from $100 up to $1500 and want the money back within 14 to 31 days. The loan is to be paid by adjusting the repayment date with your payday. To avoid an extra monetary fine, you shouldn’t have any failure in the repayment. The annual percentage rate on a payday loan can be as much as 390%, but in comparison with some installment loans, 1-hour cash advances are unsecured and do not require any collateral.


There are also some basic criteria that a payday loan seeker has to meet. They are below:

  • Applicant’s age should be above 18years
  • USA resident
  • Monthly earnings at least $1000
  • Checking account with a debit card.

For more assistance you can contact the lender by phone.  The other option is to visit the lender’s website and apply online. Usually, customer service works 24\7 with some exceptions depending on the state.

Apply for a payday loan in minutes:

  1. Just start an application with some personal information and the requested amount.
  2. Proceed with employment information.
  3. Fill out your bank account info.
  4. Complete loan request and achieve your financial freedom.

Consider before taking out a 1-hour payday loan, that almost all major one hour payday loan direct lenders offer debit card payday loans. It means that the lender keeps your debit card as collateral and on the maturity date, the loan amount is withdrawn by the lender from your debit card. Take your time and read all terms and conditions very carefully before signing.

Last updated:

September 9, 2021

Written by

A Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

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